Marist Gold

St David’s is a catholic school which belongs to the Marist order. It was started by St Marcellin Chamagnat over 150 years ago, there are many schools around the world and 5 in South Africa.
The rose chosen to honour and celebrate the eighty year celebration of the Marist School is producing shapely blooms of a clear yellow colour in great profusion one to a slender stem. With its growth habit and flowering ability it fits within the Flora Tea range – lots of blooms with the classical hybrid tea shape. It is suitable to be planted in groups or large beds, in single rows as borders to shrubberies as also in pots. The eco-chic green leaves are an added attraction on the hip to chest height growing bushes. Picking stems with tight buds for the vase allows for observing the slow unfolding of the firm petals revealing a deeper golden hue with a distinct very fine pink line on the petal edge and the prominent golden stamen and pistils. The exuding scent is distinct.


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