Grouping rose varieties with a similar or particular growth and flowering habit into one ‘brand’ makes the selection of roses that much easier for the gardener.

Antico Moderno™ Roses

A renaissance of nostalgic flower shapes

This group, as the Latin name implies, are modern roses with flower shapes of yesteryear. In growth habit and height they are similar to the hybrid tea roses. Their numerous petals are firm and will not drop off with the first wind or rain but are extremely long lasting; both on the bushes as well as when used for flower arranging. This group comprises varieties bred by the German rose breeders W. KORDES, from the rose breeding family BARNI in Italy, DELBARD ROSES of France and POULSEN ROSER of Denmark. All selected varieties are easy to grow.

Hybrid Tea Roses

Queens of the Garden

These are the most commonly grown roses. Their characteristics are large, well shaped blooms, carried on strong stems. The bushes branch from the base and grow from 0.9m to 2.3m (3ft to 8ft) tall. To give the bush enough space to develop freely, and also to be able to attend to the plant from all sides, beds of Hybrid Tea roses should be planted 0.8 m x 0.8m apart. In single rows the spacing should be 0.6m.

Floribunda Roses

Flower power in action

Their prominent characteristic is the habit of producing clusters of blooms which have the remarkable ability to flower freely and continuously on hardy bushes. In the descriptions, certain Floribunda roses may be described as having ‘shapely, pointed buds or blooms’ – these are the newer cultivars which have an improved shape of bud and bloom. They adhere to the basic Floribunda characteristics of producing sprays and may additionally serve as cut flowers. Floribundas should be planted and treated as any other bush rose. For the best effect, planting distances should not exceed 70cm x 70cm and in single rows not further than 60cm.

Fairy TaleTM Roses

Beauty spots on the cheeks of the world

The classification of modern rose varieties into Hybrid Teas, Floribundas, Miniatures and Climbing roses sufficed for almost a century. One of the likely reasons was that rose breeders simply did not consider naming and releasing any new creations that did not conform to the basic characteristics expected of varieties in the above mentioned categories. One of the exceptions was ‘Queen Elizabeth’ which was such a superb novelty but with such a different growth habit that the American hybridiser made it the first of a new Grandiflora class. However, in Europe this rose was grouped amongst the Floribundas.

Modern marketing methods as well as the introduction of trademarks has changed all that. Worldwide hybridisers have followed suit, selecting roses with similar growth and flower shape characteristics and marketed them as “Romantica Roses”®, “Renaissance Roses”®, “Märchenrosen”®, “Nostalgia Roses”® and others.

With our experience of marketing specific varieties in groups such as the Spire® Roses, Sunsation® Roses, Midinette™ Roses, Satin Touch™ Roses, Antico Moderno™ Roses and Profusion™ Roses, we came to realise that a relatively uniform growth pattern had to be the most important criterion.

This grouping of Fairy Tale™ Roses is applicable to rose varieties that have a dense shrubby growth habit and do not produce long willowy canes. They are vigorous, flower freely and continuously with blooms of an interesting flower shape – mostly reminiscent of the old fashioned roses – in a range of colours. The ideal is a performance as similar as possible to South Africa’s favourite rose ‘Iceberg’.

Miniature Roses

Flowering jelly tots

Miniature roses are available in a multitude of colours, improved disease resistance, a better shape of buds and abundance of blooms. The height of Miniature plants ranges from 20cm to 80cm, and to keep the plant well shaped they should be cut back twice a year (this can be done with a hedge clipper) and they must be heavily pruned in winter. For best effect plant 5 of the same variety 30cm x 60cm apart. Miniatures are “everywhere” roses.

They grow in pots on garden tables, in tubs, in old stone sinks, window boxes, pots around a bird bath or in tiny town-house or duplex gardens.

Simply take up a few flagstones in a paved courtyard, make a hole and fill it with good soil. They may also be planted in deep pockets of rich soil in rock gardens.

Plant them in masses on their own for the best show of colour. Another suggestion is to use them as edgings to beds of Hybrid Tea roses, but make sure you plant two or three rows of them together or they will become smothered and insignificant. Miniature standards make beautiful backdrops for pathways or add colour to patio walls. It must be remembered though, that despite their Lilliputian stature, these are true roses with a rose’s liking for a moist but well-drained root run and full sunshine for at least six hours every day.

Colourscape Roses

The artists’ landscape

It might seem that this group comprises all the roses that have no real home of their own. Whereas the bush roses are the formal upright plants and the miniatures their smaller cousins, this new group of roses might have the typical Hybrid Tea shape, Floribunda cluster or miniature blooms; but very diverse growth habits and would look awkward if planted amongst the formal bush roses. For unusual requirements in a garden or large landscape projects the right choice will be in this group. For an even easier reference we have chosen descriptive group names according to their growth habit and use, and not according to shape or size of flowers. A wealth of new roses is released every year, and more and more will fall under the group of Colourscape or Informal Roses.

Cushion Groundcovers

Roses in this category are expected to grow not much taller than knee-height with short sideways growing branches. When planted 50cm x 50cm apart they will cover the ground completely. They will flower in abundance during the long summer and need little maintenance with regard to dead-heading and grooming. To neaten the beds they might be trimmed in mid-summer with a hedging secateur. In winter they should be pruned, leaving a few young stems shortened to 30cm. Due to their size and the shade they provide for their roots, these will be shallow and regular irrigation is required. Additional feeding is essential and a liberal sprinkling of fertiliser every month to six weeks is most beneficial.

Low Shrub roses (Informal)

Shrub roses are informal roses and many of the Heritage Roses will fall under this category. Only the few which do flower more continuously are listed here. Low Shrub Roses can grow to a height between 1.2 to 2m and they will either arch their branches or have a natural habit of filling out to a rounded specimen, flowering all over. They have all the requirements of other roses. Winter pruning consists of removing old and insipid growth, leaving several healthy strong canes. These may be shortened considerably to only 75cm or the arching canes may be left with no or little cutting back.

Scrambler Roses (Prostrate Groundcovers)

Scrambler Roses are expected to grow vigorously prostrate to ground hugging. The prostrate shoots may stretch from 1 m to 3 m and even more. Plants should be spaced 1.5m x 1.5m when required to cover the area completely. On slopes or embankments it is essential to provide a solid basin on the lower side of the plants in order to hold sufficient water to penetrate down to the roots. Basal stems which need to find their way through the dense lower growth are first directed upwards, but will soon arch and with the weight of the flowering trusses at the tip of these stems, add to the total covering ability. Eventual height may vary between below and above knee-height. The continuous new growth provides flowers deep into winter. Scrambler roses should receive a good watering once a week be it by rain or irrigation. New growth and flowers depend on the available fertility and a liberal feeding at least every two months is a necessity. They may be trimmed down at any time during summer; however, this should not denude the plants. In winter all older and thin wood is removed on Scrambler Roses. The more prostrate shoots may remain and will allow the area to be covered more quickly in spring; alternatively they may be cut back to about 50cm. All selected cultivars will flower in spring no matter what pruning system is applied


Climbing stars

Their very specific charm demands that this group of roses has its very own class. They have perfectly shaped miniature blooms and their foliage also retains the miniature size and is not overbearing. They grow into shrubs fanning out from the centre and may reach a height from between 1.5 to 3 metres. They will arch gracefully over normal fences or walls without needing support, but are as suitable for training on poles and fanning out on fences and walls. They may form overhanging loose hedges, excel as specimens or when planted in tubs. Winter pruning entails removal of all old wood, inferior growth and shortening of last season’s basal canes.

Panarosa™ Roses

A rose panorama

The search for free flowering, vigorous and virtually maintenance free roses has been in our foreground for some time. It was one rose in particular, now named Coral Panarosa™, that performed according to our set parameters of growing between 2m to 3m high and as wide with flowers on every cane. They should be free standing informal shrubs and groups, hedges or specimen plants, and should provide a panorama of roses to the onlooker/spectator. These roses can be planted on fences, at the periphery of a property or as a group in large lawns. By training them up pillars and even over arches and pergolas, a neatness and floriferousness superior to that with traditional climbing roses can be achieved.

The emphasis of this new group of roses is on uniformity of growth pattern. The flower shape of the various varieties may be a typical hybrid tea rose, a semi double bloom or any of the charming shapes of yesterday’s roses – deep cup, quartered, frilled centre or pompom. This rose group offers an almost full range of possible “rose” colours and many have a strong fragrance.

A strong, deep anchored root system allows them to perform well with less intensive care. However, roses need to make new shoots to flower and watering must not be withheld nor fertiliser in monthly, even two monthly applications. They have shown a good resistance to diseases and are able to outgrow or overcome periods of high infection pressure of black spot.

The Panarosa™ roses should be trimmed / cut back in winter. This may entail a rigorous cutting off at chest height or a cleaning out of old wood always in accordance with the expectancy of a more willowy effect or a more compact neat shrub. During summer too they will react with more quality flowers to a hedge-like trimming.

Spire™ Roses

Towering beauties

Our “SPIRE® COLLECTION” is the selection I made over the past years, of cultivars which grow upright to a height of 2m to 3m and do NOT produce willowy canes. Their flowers are hybrid tea shaped and they are good cut-roses. With their neat growth habit they are very suited as tall background plantings behind rose beds, in corners or as neat hedges when planted 1.5m apart. At times, it becomes necessary to top the very vigorous basal stems at a height of 1.2 metre to encourage branching and additional flowers.

Climbers, Ramblers, Shrub and Pillar Roses

The CLIMBERS produce long climbing shoots and must be supported and tied to a fence, wall or pergola. To achieve the best display, the annual shoots must never be pruned or shortened, but tied in a horizontal line. At pruning time it is advisable to remove some of the older branches from the inside of the plant, thus encouraging it to grow new climbing shoots every year.

The genuine CLIMBING HYBRIDS flower continuously (repeatedly). These may be pruned or cut back in winter and even shaped during the growing season without forfeiting flowers.

The SHRUB ROSES flower repeatedly and their growth habit ranges from a willowy type to a neater habit. Shrub roses can be cut and kept to a confined space or shaped at any time of the year and only need to be thinned out in winter. The taller types can be trained as PILLAR ROSES by planting them next to an electrical pole, etc. and fastening in two places with a strong rope. They can also be trained as Climbers on fences and walls. Each variety is described according to its characteristics.

Standard Roses  

These roses grow and bloom at the top of a strong cane. They provide a most interesting, beautiful and unusually high note of colour in a garden. The varieties selected grow to a shapely form and have their blooms evenly arranged. To prevent the wind from breaking the heavy crown, it is important to provide a strong, metal stake as a support. This stake should be well anchored in the ground and reach past the bud union into the crown. The cane or trunk should be tied to the stake in at least three places using material which does not damage the bark or disintegrate in the sun or rain. In order to display each head as a specimen, STANDARD ROSES should not be planted closer than 1m x 1m apart.

The stem height is determined by the height of budding and does not stretch over the years. The shorter the stem the thicker it will eventually become. This is one of the reasons that rose growers are now offering the Hybrid Tea and the Floribunda roses at a height of 0.9 m instead of the traditional 1.1m or even 1.2m.


A nectar & fragrance festival for butterflies

Attract butterflies and a multitude of other nectar loving insects to your garden by planting a ‘Butterfly Dream’ buddleja.

Our ‘Butterfly Dreams Collection’ of buddlejas are hybrids, bred by Minier, France.

The plants will grow to above head height and at least 1,5m wide. They can be contained by regular, light pruning. Great as hedges or screening. They are certainly disease resistant and flourish in most challenging conditions. They enjoy sunny positions and rich soil, much like roses. They bear (up to 15cm long) tufts of fragrant blooms. They repeat flower all summer, different to the indigenous varieties which only flower in spring.


This collection of dahlias is bred by Delbard, the French breeders known for their striped roses. Dahlias are easy to grow, disease resistant and will flower from end October until the first frost in winter. They should be staked and need to be dead-headed to encourage flowering stems. They respond well to fertilizer and deep watering. Tubers may stay in the soil over winter or can be split annually. The huge blooms are a statement on their own as cut flowers, and last well in the vase.

Cut Roses

These are greenhouse-grown cut roses. With the exception of those listed in our range of garden roses, they are not suitable for growing outdoors. Please note that only those marked with sun symbol will perform in gardens.

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