Gin & Tonic KORpipawisu(P)

A refreshing rose! Inspires the feeling you get when enjoying a pink G&T sundowner. The rose has a delicate yet intricate toning. Yellow shines through from the depth of the centre and then mingles and conforms with the cream base colour of the petals. From the petal tips, pink overlays and flows into the cream. The reverse petal side retains the cream yellow colour, whereas the sun enhances the forward looking side’s combination of brushed pink, cream and yellow. A very lively, two toned, perfect, star shaped, half open bloom emerges. All the while a delicate scent is exuded. Vigorous and continuous sprouting of new stems takes place. The bush retains a neat growth habit and flowers profusely.


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Gin & Tonic KORpipawisu(P)