Dermalogica Passion

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 42 × 23 × 90 cm
White Ribbon Roses

An exceptional rose with incredibly big, glossy leaves, long straight stems and huge, full petalled blooms with an exuberant fragrance. An individual plant will make a statement, so much more when planted in groups or rows, supplying an endless number of long lasting cut roses.
Proceeds are donated to ‘FITE’, Financial Independence Through Entrepreneurship; a Dermalogica initiative.
The dermal institute ‘Dermalogica’ are passionate about healing skin and are driven by education and research and so deserve a rose that speaks their language.
Read more about FITE

This rose was named in 2011 in honor of ‘Dermalogica’!

Plant Height: Above Head Height
Colours: Soft pink
Uses: Bedding, Cut-flowers


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