rose laureates

Rose Laureats

the rose of gratitude for great achievements


Receiving a rose is one of the highest natural honors that can be bestowed upon a person. The symbolism of the rose is of the highest order, the queen of all flowers and a universal reminder of humility for all mankind. 

We, the Ludwig’s Roses family, see and celebrate those who strive for great personal achievement and serving the greater good of all. 


Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Human Rights Activist


“In this world, there is one task, that ‘only you’ can do. Only you, can keep your word.”  – Vineet Raj Kapoor    


Grow your rose for the greater good of many…..

Most of the Rose Laureate roses form part of the ‘Ludwig’s Ribbon Rose Collection’, from which a portion of the sale of each rose is donated to the relevant non-profit organization.

let's talk roses

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